Conflictogenic Potential of the Dominance Phenomenon in the Jurislinguistic Aspect

УДК 811 ББК 81.1

Keywords: political discourse, communicative dominance, conflictogen, communicative strategy and its tactics


The aim of this study is an expert verification of the conflict potential perception of the Russian parliamentarians’ asocial communicative dominance, expressed by an invective communicative strategy in direct and indirect forms. The relevance of the study is determined by the interest of modern scientists for the problems of political discourse; the issues of conflict and conflictogen from the standpoint of Legal Linguistics, Pragmalinguistics and Sociolinguistics; the study of the actualization of psychological personality traits in the speech behavior of the individual. The material of the study is the parliamentarians’ reporting speeches in a form of a monologue from the transcript of the final session of the State Duma in 2021. These politicians are the leaders and representatives of the Russian political parties: Yedinaya Rossiya, KPRF, LDPR. As a result of the linguistic analysis, the use of an invective strategy by the parliamentarians was revealed, which is implemented through the corresponding tactics: emphasizing one’s own merits, opposing others, imposing one’s own point of view, irony. These tactics are implemented in an indirect form. A focussed experiment with the participation of the younger generation representatives showed that 80 % of the students and 75 % of the young people without higher education responded to the incentives provided by a potential conflict generator by entering into a conflict, and only 20 % of the young people with higher education and 25 % of the respondents without higher education leveled the conflict , which reveals the conflictogenic potential of the invective communicative strategy tactics, expressed in an indirect form. In addition, there is a tendency for a stronger reaction to conflict potential among the representatives of the younger generation who have higher or incomplete higher philological education than among respondents without higher education.


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Author Biography

Irina Zyubina, Southern Federal University

PhD (Philology), Associate Professor of the Department of Linguistics and Professional Communication, Southern Federal University



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How to Cite
Zyubina, I. (2022). Conflictogenic Potential of the Dominance Phenomenon in the Jurislinguistic Aspect. Legal Linguistics, (26 (37), 76-80.