Definitions and Correlation of the Categories "Digital Rights" and "Digitalization of Rights and Freedoms"

УДК 342.7, ББК 67.400.32

Keywords: digitalization, digital rights and freedoms, information rights and freedoms, virtual rights and freedoms, rights and freedoms


The article examines the theoretical discussion on the issue of definitions, content and correlation of the categories "digital rights" and "digitalization of rights and freedoms" used in legal science. The author identifies the reasons that give rise to difficulties in the legal regulation of rights and freedoms in the digital space, analyzes the available normative and theoretical approaches to the model of legal regulation of the digital sphere. The result of the conducted research is the author's proposed model of correlation between the categories of "digital rights" and "digitalization of rights and freedoms", according to which digital rights can be developed only if the opportunity generated by technological progress lacks existing analogues in the legal sphere. If the legislation of the Russian Federation already contains a suitable category operating offline, we should speak exclusively about the digitalization of this right, expressed in the adjustment of the content or methods of implementation. At the same time, the author considers the issue of the correctness of the use of the characteristic "digital" in relation to rights and freedoms, as some authors propose a different name for this group of rights. The analysis made it possible to conclude that the categories of "information rights and freedoms" and "digital rights and freedoms" cannot be recognized as identical, and the term "virtual rights and freedoms" is superfluous.


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Author Biography

Anna Kanakova, Altai State University

Ph.D. in law, Associate Professor, Department of Constitutional and International Law, Altai State University


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How to Cite
Kanakova, A. (2024). Definitions and Correlation of the Categories "Digital Rights" and "Digitalization of Rights and Freedoms". Legal Linguistics, (32 (43), 25-31.