The Concept of "Women's Rights" and Constitutional Freedom of Labor: Terminology Clarifications and Implementation Problems

Keywords: women's rights, gender equality, discrimination, freedom of labor


The publication is aimed at defining the essence of the concept of "women's rights". The article shows that the concept of “women's rights” is widely used in the system of normative legal acts in Russia. The domestic legislator, resolutely opposing gender asymmetry, understands the rights of women as a system of integral and inalienable rights, freedoms and obligations for every woman, girl, adolescent girl, regardless of her age, citizenship, race, ethnic or religious affiliation.

Using hermeneutic tools, an attempt is made to show the content and problems of the implementation of the labor rights of females. The article emphasizes that horizontal segregation develops under the influence of many factors due to the mentality and preference of various types of activities for men and women. Ultimately, women in general end up with lower income jobs.

The authors found that the problems in Russia are the separation of professions into "male" and "female", which entails different wages; the feminization of poverty and unemployment; horizontal professional mobility for women. The increasing number of appeals associated with the violation of the socio-economic rights of women and their making the most of their labor potential become the subject of justice, in particular of constitutional justice in the Russian Federation.


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Author Biographies

Alexandr Golovinov, Altai State University
PhD in Philosophy, Associate Professor of the Department of Constitutional and International Law of the Law Institute
Yulia Golovinova, Altai State Pedagogical University
Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Jurisprudence and Methods of Teaching Socio-Economic Disciplines


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О государственных пособиях гражданам, имеющим детей: федеральный закон от 19.05. 1995 №81-ФЗ (ред. от 08.06.2021) / Российская газета. № 99. 24.05.1995

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Case of Konstantin Markin v. Russia (Application no. 30078/06) / European court of human rights. Grand Chamber. Strasbourg, 22 March 2012. URL: (дата обращения: 02.12.2021)

How to Cite
Golovinov, A., & Golovinova, Y. (2021). The Concept of "Women’s Rights" and Constitutional Freedom of Labor: Terminology Clarifications and Implementation Problems. Legal Linguistics, (22(33), 24-27.
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