Keywords: verbal conflict, creolized text, situation of communication, reference, forensic examination


 In the process of expertise of certain controversial texts, along with the concept of contextual meaning, there appears a phenomenon which seems appropriate to be called "consituative meaning". This article gives grounds to the methodological necessity of this term introduction into academic circulation. Consituative meaning is the meaning of word expressions (nominal expressions, verbal phrases, utterances) that goes beyond the prototypical signification of words and is implemented in the act of reference based on non-verbal signs in a certain communicative situation.

With regard to the communicative situation, the creolized conflict-instigating text, functioning in social networks, appears in two forms. Firstly, it is a component of the communicative situation of the Internet communication, transmitting certain information; secondly, it is used as a factor to create a kind of artificial communicative situation, acting as a means of suggestive impact on the participant of the Internet communication. The article discusses the canonical and non-canonical situations of communication, which are re-created artificially in conflict-instigating texts to form consituative meaning of verbal means, which is aimed at inducing ethnic hatred. The features of the simulated communicative situations are highlighted from the point of view of the goals set by the initiators. For the canonical situation of communication, two addressees are identified-the addressee 1 in a fictional communicative situation and the addressee 2 in real Internet communication. In a non-canonical situation of communication, two addressees are distinguished-the addresser 1 as a hypothetical character of the simulated communicative situation, the addresser 2 is the author of the creolized text.

In simulated communicative situations all sorts of non-verbal components are widely used -graphic symbols, photo and video images, sound images. They play a major role in generating consituative meaning.

The devised theoretical principles have certain applied significance, which is clearly seen in the analysis of creolized texts selected from the documented practice of forensic examinations carried out by the author of this study.



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Author Biography

Aleksandr Mayorov, Buryat State University

Doctor of Philology, Professor of the Department of Russian Language and General Linguistics


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